Thursday, April 11, 2019

Holy Week 2019

The meetings have taken place... the planning is well underway... we've reflected, repented, and "given up"... the Palms have arrived... and we find ourselves now on the doorstep of Holy Week, as we approach the most important day of the year in the Church calendar...Easter!

So... here's what's coming up for Holy Week 2019 with the people of South Walpole United Methodist Church:

Palm Sunday - April 14th: 

9 AM:  Choir Rehearsal

10 AM:  Palm Sunday Worship Celebration -

Gather with us to celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus, from the Palm Processional to the message, "Palms or Passion?" to the postlude, "Ride On, King Jesus"!

After Worship:  Coffee & Community in the Community Hall

Maundy Thursday -  April 18th, 7:30 PM: 

We'll gather together as darkness and then silence descend, from a special team doing a dramatized/narrative foot washing, to participation in the Eucharist by all who gather with us "on the night that Jesus was betrayed."

Community Good Friday - April 19th, 3 PM:

Gather with other followers of Jesus from across our area at Epiphany Church in Walpole for "Walking the Way of the Cross" as we journey with Jesus on Good Friday.

Holy Saturday - April 20th:
Jesus is crucified.  Dead.  And buried.  In the silence of Holy Saturday, as we wait for the promises of God to be fulfilled and prepare our hearts for Easter Sunday, reflect on what it means for Jesus, God's own son, God's own self, to be dead

Easter Sunday - April 21st:

9 AM:  Choir Rehearsal

10 AM:  Easter Sunday Worship Celebration!  Gather with the body of Christ as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus our Savior and Lord, whose "Reckless Love" is "Still Rolling Stones"! 

After Worship:  Continue the Celebration with Coffee and Community in the Community Hall!

Don't forget we'll be taking our Annual Easter Offering along with our regular offering as well - now is a perfect time to consider giving to one of several new SWUMC initiatives and ministry priorities: 

The Steeple Fund:  Repairs are both needed and required for us to "SOS" (Save Our Steeple).  There are leaks, rotting wood, paint, roofing, and safety issues that must be addressed.  SWUMC is looking to raise $20,000 as a baseline to address these issues and to preserve a beautiful steeple for the witness of the church and for the good of the South Walpole neighborhoods and community.  Please mark all offerings for the Steeple as "Steeple Fund"!

Annual Easter Offering: 

SWUMC has 2 major ministry priorities for 2019 and we hope that, in addition to prayer, support, and volunteer service, you'll consider giving in the Easter Offering to help financially kick-start these efforts:

1.) Church Administrator:

We have started the process of seeking to hire a Church Administrator that will assist all of us in our ministries in SWUMC.  We believe having a staffed office, and a person/position that can be the "ministry hub" for effective communication, organization, and administration, will help all of us to do more and be more effective in ministering to our community both inside and outside the church.

2.) Youth, Children, Young Adults, and Young Families' Programming:
Having just celebrated our 200th Anniversary, we believe in and recognize the value of inter-generational ministry, so that we can be effective in ministering to all age groups and be a church that endures and makes an impact in our community and our world for another 200 years! 

We know that in order to be a church for all we need to be able to offer ministries and programming that can effectively bring together younger families, young adults, youth, and children as disciples of Jesus.  We also know this means significant financial investment into these ministry priorities.

Thank you for prayerfully considering giving toward these priorities through our Annual Easter Offering as well as The Steeple Fund.

May your Holy Week be blessed - see you soon!

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